Are you interested in serving your Embassy community on the AERA board?
AERA is seeking nominees for the 2021-2022 calendar year to serve on the Executive Board. If you are an AERA member in good standing, you are eligible to hold office. Please email the current Secretary as soon as possible to nominate yourself for election! In your email, please include any relevant experience, including, but not limited to, past AERA positions, volunteer work, work experience, and/or software experience that may be pertinent to your desired board position. We look forward to working with you soon!
Board members should be prepared to devote 5 to 7 hours weekly.
Elections take place in or around November, annually
Section 10
Board of Directors
Directors shall be elected for one (1)-year term.
One month prior to yearly Board elections, the Board shall notify Full Members of
upcoming elections during the annual Full Member Meeting (see Section 13).
Full Members in good standing seeking election to the Board of Directors must
notify the Board in writing of their interest at least 10 (ten) days in advance of the
election. Standards for eligibility are contained within the association's published
policies and procedures. The names of all eligible candidates will be published to
the Full Members for review at least five (5) business days in advance of the
election date.
Duties of Officers
a. The Chairperson, as chief officer of the association, is responsible to the
Board of Directors, which represents the membership, for the proper conduct
of all association activities not specifically delegated to other officers. The duties of the Chairperson shall include:
- presiding at all meetings of the membership, Board of Directors, and Executive sessions; appointing all standing and special committees, subject to approval of the Board of Directors; maintaining close cooperation and compliance with official policies; supervising performance of manager(s) engaged to direct association
activities; and continuous review of policies, rules, and regulations and performance of operations to ensure propriety, adequacy and effectiveness of operations.
b. The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in the performance of his/her duties, and in the event of absence or incapacity of the Chairperson, is empowered to perform all duties and exercise all authority vested in the Chairperson.
c. The Treasurer, as chief financial officer of the association, is responsible to
the Board of Directors for all matters pertaining to or affecting the financial
condition of the association. The duties of the Treasurer shall include
- maintenance or oversight of all accounting, bank, cost, stock, inventory, and other related records affecting financial matters, except such records as the
Board of Directors may designate an accountant to maintain; custody or
control of all funds; examination and approval of all disbursement of funds;
establishment and maintenance of banking arrangements; promulgation of a
Board-approved spending limit for the manager, execution of credit and other
financial policies; and performance of such other duties the Board of Directors
may delegate.
d. The Secretary shall be the official custodian of all current and archival records of the association, except current year financial records;
- prepare and maintain official minutes of all meetings of membership, Board of Directors, and Executive Sessions; maintain a file of the minutes of all standing and special committees; prepare and maintain accurate membership rolls; issue and validate all membership cards; attest and affix the association seal to legal or other documents as required; issue notices of meetings; and perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may delegate.
At Large Directors
In addition to the aforementioned Officers, the Board may also consist of At Large directors. At Large Directors serve as voting members of the Board consistent with the
size of the Board stated in Section 10 of these bylaws. The duties of the At Large members may be determined by a simple majority vote of all voting board members.