VAT Refund Information

VAT Refund Information

For a personal VAT refund, please submit the following documents to the VAT Refund Box:

  1. Fature Tatimore Shitje (VAT invoice obtained from the vendor at the time of the purchase)
    1. U.S. Embassy NIPT J61827020G
    2. Your name must be on the invoice
    3. The VAT amount charged must be over 2,000.00 lekë (which means the total amount of the invoice should be at least 12,000.00 lekë)
  2. Kupon Tatimor (cash register receipt): must have the same date as the VAT invoice.

Please remember:

  • Your Diplomatic or official ID must be valid for the submission period.  The MFA will not process your VAT reimbursement request if your Diplomatic ID has expired.
  • VAT reimbursements are submitted quarterly.  VAT can only be claimed in the quarter it is paid.
  • Refunds take 3-6 months to be deposited to your bank account.

Quarterly Submission Deadlines:

  • Early January (for October, November, December)
  • Early April (for January, February, March)
  • Early July (for April, May, June)
  • Early October (for July, August, September)​
Fature Tatimore (old style)
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